Saturday, March 13, 2010


My parents grew up in Oklahoma, and every year we would take at least one trip to Oklahoma to visit my grandparents in Shawnee and Oklahoma City. Some of my fondest memories are spending time with my grandma in Shawnee at Christmas and in the summer, especially one week when I stayed with them by myself while my parents were elsewhere. So, today I spent a couple of hours in Shawnee finding my grandma's house and my great grandmother's house, eating at Hamburger King which is a great Main Street diner, and driving around various neighborhoods in Shawnee. Grandma's house is still there though it doesn't look the same. Oh well. I'm in Oklahoma City tonight. We never spent as much as time with the grandparents in OK City, and I don't remember where they live. I'd like to find their houses though, but not this trip. The one I remember best was their last house, which was probably the house they lived in the least amount of time.

At Hamburger King, I had a cheeseburger, onion rings, and a slice of chocolate pie. Pictures below.

Besides trips down memory lane, I also visited the George Washington Carver National Monument. I mostly associate GWC with peanuts, but he was so much more. He was very close to nature, very spiritual, very wise, and very simple. Someone described him as having the mind of a scientist with the soul of a saint. I'm convinced that is true after visiting the monument. There is a nice little museum, and a peaceful nature trail to reflect upon his life. I highly recommend stopping here. It puts everything in perspective.

Pictures at the link below: (note vegetarians/vegans might want to skip over the hamburger picture. ) I'm uploading pictures to facebook at the moment. Not sure if I will keep doing it this way, but right now it seems the simplest.

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