Sunday, May 10, 2009

Summer Plans

I just realized I have two weeks vacation to take before the end of June. This means I likely will not get quite as much work as I had planned in the next month or so. I will take a week off for moving and random days in May. Plus I will gone the second week of August and a little more going to SAA and visiting Rafia (AGAIN--she better feel privileged.)I am also dogsitting and housesitting through the first week of July, giving me a great deal of time to get the house in order before really moving. I've been camping out the last couple of nights to get away from the loud and smoky environment I've been living in for the last few months. Freedom is HERE!

I need to get working on my poster for SAA--better start that this week so it is not last minute.


Rafia! said...

I feel VERY PRIVILEGED! (2 pound donut! 2 pound donut!

Anne said...

Fried fish Tacos!